Smartphone Inc. Board Game: Overview and Review

Discover the Ultimate Economic Board Game – Smartphone Inc.: An Overview and Review

Smartphone Inc. Board Game Overview and ReviewHey fellow board game enthusiasts! We recently stumbled upon a fantastic economic board game called Smartphone Inc. that has quickly become one of our favorites. We wanted to share an overview and review of this incredible game with you, and we’re sure it will make it to your table often.

Smartphone Inc. is all about up-and-coming cell phone companies. The board is huge, and the game components are top-notch, including a dual-layer board and trays for each player. It’s an incredibly well-developed game with a strong economic focus, which we absolutely love. Smartphone Inc. Board Game Setup

You take on the role of a cell phone company, starting with an office marker in a specific region. Your goal is to branch out and expand your presence across more regions by connecting them with your existing offices. The game is played over five rounds, with each round consisting of eight phases. Despite the number of phases, the game moves quickly and doesn’t feel overly long.


Each player starts with a screen for their company, two double-sided pads, and an improvement tile. Throughout the game, you’ll acquire more improvement tiles, which grant various benefits and help you gain victory points. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins, with points coming from cash, tiles, and control of regions.

We found Smartphone Inc. to be a highly strategic game that requires you to think about how to dominate the cell phone industry and outperform your competition. The game’s design and illustration are simple yet effective, making it easy to understand and visually appealing.

The components of Smartphone Inc. are phenomenal, with a thick, dual-layer board and high-quality plastic pieces. The game also comes with handy trays to keep everything organized. It can be played with up to five players, making it a great option for a game night with friends or family.

We both gave Smartphone Inc. a 9 out of 10 rating, as it’s an excellent economic game that’s easy to learn and offers a lot of replayability. There’s even an expansion available that we haven’t tried yet, which we believe could add even more strategic depth and replayability to the game.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a fantastic economic board game to add to your collection, we highly recommend giving Smartphone Inc. a try. With its engaging gameplay, top-quality components, and strategic depth, it’s sure to become a favorite at your gaming table.


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Watch our in depth overview and review of Smartphone Inc. Board Game



  1. Maria Teresa Fernandez Ferreira


  2. Jenifer Wetle

    Seems like a very interesting game.

  3. Kris Figueroa

    This is such a unique game! It would be great to try out!

  4. Zachary Cagle

    i wonder if this game will only be picked up my millennials or other generations. It seems cool but i hope it will not get boring.

  5. Paula Brown

    I would like to play the game with my family.

  6. Paula Brown

    I like a game with a good challenge.

  7. Jeffrey


  8. Kim Mignella

    looks awesome!

  9. Jeffrey

    Cool game.

  10. Jeffrey


  11. Jeffrey


  12. Paula Brown

    Ilike a challenging game.

  13. Jeffrey


  14. Sue E

    There’s a Smartphone Inc. Game?? I would love to play that game! I wonder if standard phone 📱 rates apply 🤪