7 Souls Board Game Overview & Playthrough

Are you a fan of creepy, horror-themed games? Do you enjoy strategy and playing with friends? The 7 Souls the board game will take you on an exciting journey of corruption and soul-collecting.

In 7 Souls, you play as a corrupt character trying to collect the souls of investigators who are trying to stop you. With the presence of the infamous creature, Cthulhu, in the game, you can expect a thrilling and eerie experience.

So, how do you play the 7 Souls Board Game?

7 souls board gameThe setup of the game may seem complicated at first, but the rulebook provides clear instructions and illustrations to make the process smoother.


Each round, players choose three cards from their seven characters and place one card face down at each location: Miskatonic University, Whately Manor, and the Ancient Temple. The cards are revealed simultaneously and the player with the highest numbered card takes the lead in the play order.

When it’s time to resolve the character cards, players can choose any action printed on the card, such as gaining souls or power tokens, or even giving horror cards to other players. However, if two or more players have placed the same number, a loyalty check must be performed to determine who is loyal enough to perform the action. The player with the most corruption wins the loyalty check and can perform the action while the other players must wait.

After all players have resolved their characters’ actions, the investigators assigned to each location will attack. The goal of the game is to gain the most soul points through corrupting investigators, collecting altars, fulfilling blessings, and completing personal objectives. The game ends when two supplies (soul tokens, power tokens, or corruption cards) are empty at the same location.

A playthrough of the game can be a bit of a challenge with the confusing rulebook, but once you get the hang of it, 7 Souls is a simple and exciting game to play. It’s best enjoyed with a group of friends, as playing with only two players can make the game a bit plain.

How are the Components?

In terms of components and art, 7 Souls excels with its high-quality components and cartoonish style that fits perfectly with the creepy theme. Whether you’re a fan of horror-themed games or just enjoy strategy games with friends, 7 Souls is a must-try for any board game enthusiast.

This game is for 1-6 players – ages 8+. Standard game play is approximately 30-40 minutes with a complexity score of 2.40. 7 Souls is a simple hand management game that would be perfect to play with the whole family.

This Playthrough video below shows game play and instructions on how to play 7 Souls Board Game.

7 Souls Board Game How to Play and Playthrough

What to see more playthroughs? Check out our full playlist on our YouTube Channel.

Where to Buy:  https://insideupgames.com/product/7-souls-en-fr/

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